Thank you very much for the article! I think I actually noticed a webwallet address which looked a little different from the official one once, but I am really afraid that I could ever fall into such kinds of trap. I guess that's a very strong argument in favour of diversifying and having your TON divided in several wallets.

In any case, I'll be looking forward to more posts of this series.

One thing that I did think is that it would probably be a good idea to make the password upon maximising the app optional in Tonkeeper. Since the pin is kinda short, if we need to input it every time we want to check our wallet, that's a lot of opportunities for anyone to get to see it. Although this is also my fault because I thought about it but never suggested it to the devels

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Yes. Надо ĐąŅ‹Ņ‚ŅŒ ĐžŅŅ‚ĐžŅ€ĐžĐļĐŊŅ‹Đŧ и Đ°ĐēĐēŅƒŅ€Đ°Ņ‚ĐŊĐž вŅĐĩ Đ´ĐĩĐģĐ°Ņ‚ŅŒ

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